Wednesday, September 17, 2014

More Kumihimo Friendship Bracelets


I'm on a roll making these pretty bracelets!  There is a craft fair coming up here in December, so I figure I might as well make up a whole bunch of them and start selling what I make.  A friendship bracelet will always make a nice gift for someone.  The bracelets measure 7", not including the toggle clasp, so they will fit most wrists. 
Hope you like them and thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Halloween Kumihimo Friendship Bracelets

Hey, Everyone!

Well, happy "Hump Day"!  Yep, it's the middle of the week and getting close to the middle of September.  Where on earth does the time go.  The weather here has been lovely -- mid 70's with a few clouds, and I heard its going to be hotter by the end of the week.  Here in the Willamette Valley, I believe we are in for a nice Indian Summer.  But, weirdly and sadly, up in Canada, in Calgary, Alberta, they are experiencing snow up the ying-yang.  What is happening with the weather.  I swear the poles are reversing.  My Auntie and some friends have posted some pictures of the snow on Facebook and it is unreal.  Now don't get me wrong, I love a good snowfall, but I think early September is pushing it!

With Fall around the corner, comes another favorite day, Halloween.  While still in Kumihimo mode, I had some Halloween colors of cord in my stash in black, purple, orange and green and got to braiding.  I found some spooky charms and glass crystals to set them off with a toggle clasp.   Darn cute they are!  I can't wait to wear them!  I'll be working on some Fall and Christmas ones too, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kumihimo Friendship Bracelets

I am a learning addict.  I admit it.  I love to learn new things because there is so much cool stuff out there to learn.  Especially crafts and computer programs.  If it is to be knitted, crocheted, cut, glued, assembled, sewn, glittered, or put on a chain, I am meant to make it.  I have the full versions of Photoshop and Illustrator and have learned a ton on how to use them and there is still more to learn of them.  I have at least 5 physical projects on the go at any given time and at least another 5 swimming in my brain.  I have to limit my perusal of Pinterest, otherwise it's craft overload.
My latest addiction is Kumihimo.  This is Japanese braiding using a slotted disc.  This technique makes absolutely beautiful friendship bracelets with just cording and also beads can be added to make the jewelry even more stunning.  It looks intimidating at first, but once you get going, the possibilities are endless.  I came across this most useful of resources -- a Kumihimo Pattern Generator.  Jackpot!  You put in your colors and tweek the pattern to what you would like and it will tell you how many cords you need, where to put them and in once sequence to move them to make the pattern.  Glorious!  Here's the link if you are interested:
Needless to say, I started off simple with a nice pattern that (to me anyway) looked like argyle.  Well, not really, but close enough.  I ordered a kit with everything in it that I needed and then some, and got my Kumihimo on while watching TV in the evening.  Before I knew it, I had created these beautiful friendship bracelets.  I may have to open up a store on Etsy. 
Anyway, I hope you like them and I hope you find your inner Kumihimo!