Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Snowflake Hangers

It has been smoking hot here!  I am so ready for fall and some cooler weather.  So, I have been staying cool in the craft room, working on holiday projects.
A while back, I bought a bunch of wooden slat hangers at the craft store.  I used my Cameo to cut out some cute chicken silhouettes out of vinyl and masked off the hanger with them and painted a beautiful red over top.  I used a dark wax over top to antique them and they turned out pretty cute.  I had some extra hangers, so I finished them off with snowflakes in anticipation of the upcoming holidays.   I used the same technique as the chickens, but used a white wax and I finished them off with some glitter spray to add a little sparkle. 
Yep, I'm in holiday mode.  Next up...Halloween!