
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Mixed Media - Delight in the little things

Well, my break from social media didn't last long!  During the past week, I have been trying to reconnect with my crafting soul.  It got lost somewhere during the past few years (I'm blaming Covid!) and while I was crafting, I just wasn't feeling it. So the little hiatus was good for me!  I found some crafting sites on YouTube and became instantly hooked on the style of Mixed Media. I now have a purpose for all those craft supplies I haven't used and have been hoarding saving over the years. 😂 I guess I knew deep down there would come a day when they would all come together for a common project. 

I literally watched dozens of videos of different styles of Mixed Media by different artists; Laly Mille, Tiffany Solorio, Keren Tamir, Graphic 45, Prima Marketing, and a bunch of junk journal artists, to name a few.  Each has a different style, but the techniques were pretty similar.  My first attempt at it was terrible.  Made no sense whatsoever because I tried to do it all at once and in way too many colors. 😂 I was way to excited and couldn't wait to give it a go. Then I stepped back, tried a couple techniques to see if it would work, and then I jumped back in and made this little beauty, which I am quite happy with!