Monday, December 2, 2013

Wine Cork Christmas Tree

Hi, Everyone!

For those of you who know me personally, you'll know that the hubby and I do enjoy a glass or two of wine {wink, wink!}.  We are so very fortunate to live in a wonderful area of Oregon where there wineries and vineyards as far as the eye can see.  Needless to say, I have an abundance of wine corks.  I have done a few crafts with the corks and I have scoured the internet to find other ideas.  I finally found a few "Wine Cork Christmas Trees" and I do say, they were adorable! 
I went through my stash and found a paper mache cone about 10" tall, got out my trusty glue gun, and proceeded to get to work.  I almost ran out of corks, but the hubby and I conquered that little obstacle with ease (I believe it was a nice Dolcetto, mmm...).  I went to Walmart and found some garland, very mini-lights, some cute ornaments, snowflakes, and of course, a star to top it all off.  Voila!  An adorable centerpiece for the table was created.
Stay crafty, my friends!

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