Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spring Green Bracelet

Well, it's a cool and windy day here in Oregon, but the sun is shining and warming up the house nicely.  Housework is done and its time for a cup of tea and a tuck in on the couch with the Pug to soak it all in.  The Pug is Emma.  And yes, she always looks grumpy.  But, she is an absolute sweetie that makes us smile all the time.   I managed to catch a shot of her taking in the sunshine -- she loves her sunshine!

With all this sunshine, it makes me anxious for Spring to hurry up and get here.  Jeff will finish off making garden seed tapes this weekend; parsnips, turnips, and  three kinds of beets are what we are planting this year.  We had a bit of snow yesterday, but definitely not like we used to get up in Canada or even in Idaho.  That's the nice part about being close to the Pacific Coast -- everything stays green.  So on that note, I decided I needed to make a green bracelet for Spring. I found some pretty green bicone crystal beads and glass pearls in my stash and set to work with some silver-toned bead caps.  Added some white glass pearl beads to set it off. Turned out lovely.

I even have enough beads left over that I might make a necklace to match.

Sunshine for everyone!

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