Saturday, April 5, 2014

Heat Transfer Pillows

After I made those cute necklaces for Kimmie & Shelbi, I thought that the cute flower tile would look nice on a pillow.  I needed to make some slip covers for my couch pillows anyway so I went to Walmart and picked up a couple yards of white cotton duck, which is nice and sturdy and sews easily.  The pillow turned out to be an easy sew, and I hadn't forgotten how to sew in a zipper even though it's been about 15 years since I last had!  The pillow slips measure about 20"x20".  I had some flocked heat transfer material on hand (the Silhouette America brand) and used the Silhouette Studio to size the tiles, doodles and flowers, and used my Cameo to cut everything out.  Took a good bit of time to iron everything on, but they turned out quite nice.
Hmmm, what else can I make with heat transfer!


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