Monday, June 29, 2015

Flour Sack Curtains

I hope everyone is having a great day so far.  It's been pretty toasty here in the Willamette Valley, so I have been trying to keep my activities inside (other than going to work, of course!)  Today's project was quick and easy, and didn't require any sewing at all.
My house, like most houses built in the 80's, did not come with a lot of storage.  My kitchen is very small and cupboards are minimal.  So, I opted to add extra storage in the form of small chrome shelving units.  They work perfectly for storing crockpots and bakeware, and all the kitchen tools that only get used on rare occasions.  The problem with this kind of storage is that it is not very attractive.  And it makes the area look cluttered. 

So I went to Walmart and found some adorable flour sack kitchen towels in the summer seasonal section and used them as curtains to surround and cover up the units.  Much better!

But how did I attach them you ask?  I couldn't secure a curtain rod anywhere and did not want to stich them or make a million grommet holes.  Can you guess how I did it?
I used badge clips!  Yep, the ones that hold a name tag to your shirt.  They wrapped around the wire frame perfectly and after I draped a few extra towels over the top, you can't even notice them.  It's the little things, right?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Beach 48 Miles

Good Morning!
The mini-heatwave we had has gone and the weather has settled down into the 80's.  Much more palatable for me!
Over at Lincoln City on the beautiful Oregon Coast, the weather sits at a lovely 65 degrees F, sunny with a bit of fog moving in later.  My kinda weather!  I would love to have a little cottage at the beach to escape the heat in the valley during summer.   One day perhaps...
Considering we only live 48 miles from the beach, I decided to make a sign for the patio to remind us of that. 
I used a pretty wood board measuring 9.25" x 48" and put a coat of chalk paint on in the tropical blue color called "Escape".  I made the lettering mask in the Silhouette Studio and used my Cameo to cut it out of vinyl.  I applied it to the blue board and put a coat of crackle medium over the top.  After it dried, I put a coat of white chalk paint "Everlasting" and let that dry too.  I used my pick to peel up the vinyl letters and put a coat of matte varnish to help protect it from the elements.  The result was awesome!  It adds that little something extra to the patio to make it feel like a vacation retreat.
Now, who's ready for a glass of wine on the patio!


Monday, June 8, 2015

Strawberry Social Gift

Good Morning!
It was a scorcher yesterday and it looks like it'll be another scorcher today.  I hosed off the patio and the furniture yesterday and despite my efforts in putting on sunscreen, I got sunburned.  I am a burn first, tan later kinda girl.  Ouch.  I am so very thankful for the aloe vera in the fridge!
With summer here and my strawberry plants still going strong, I thought I'd have a look in the Silhouette Online Store to see what was there for cute strawberry themed items.  I came across this adorable mason jar gift box (#81153) and a cute stand up card with envelope (#57246) that would be perfect as a guest gift for an afternoon of strawberry shortcakes and wine.  I paired them up with a place card (#13721 ) and a cute wine glass ornament that sits on the rim.  I used a strawberry card (#10125) I found in the library and shrunk it down quite a bit.  I put a slit in it to perch it on the rim of the wine glass.  I also used the sketch pens to write the name on the card before cutting it out.

Thanks for stopping by and there are more summer themed items coming your way!