Monday, June 29, 2015

Flour Sack Curtains

I hope everyone is having a great day so far.  It's been pretty toasty here in the Willamette Valley, so I have been trying to keep my activities inside (other than going to work, of course!)  Today's project was quick and easy, and didn't require any sewing at all.
My house, like most houses built in the 80's, did not come with a lot of storage.  My kitchen is very small and cupboards are minimal.  So, I opted to add extra storage in the form of small chrome shelving units.  They work perfectly for storing crockpots and bakeware, and all the kitchen tools that only get used on rare occasions.  The problem with this kind of storage is that it is not very attractive.  And it makes the area look cluttered. 

So I went to Walmart and found some adorable flour sack kitchen towels in the summer seasonal section and used them as curtains to surround and cover up the units.  Much better!

But how did I attach them you ask?  I couldn't secure a curtain rod anywhere and did not want to stich them or make a million grommet holes.  Can you guess how I did it?
I used badge clips!  Yep, the ones that hold a name tag to your shirt.  They wrapped around the wire frame perfectly and after I draped a few extra towels over the top, you can't even notice them.  It's the little things, right?


  1. You are so very talented Sammy !

  2. Samantha, I'm looking for 4 towels to match the valance I made for a large window. Do you have some you'd sell?
