Thursday, September 20, 2018

Rustic Wreath and Harvest


This one took me a couple hours to finish, but I absolutely love it! 

This chalk board is the Aiden 18" x 24", so it is nice and big and will look awesome over the fireplace!  I used the Rustic Wreath and Harvest transfers.  The wreath transfer is really fiddle-farty because it is so HUGE ~ I could have used an extra set of hands and I find that the larger the transfer, the more it sticks. And, it kept folding up on itself on the sticky side while I was cleaning it and was a pain in the butt to unstick.  The trick is to use cold water when rinsing and pulling it apart gently from itself.  The transfer stretched a tiny bit, but will be just fine future projects!  So, next time I try a large transfer, I will try prepping the board with chalk to take down the tackiness of the transfer. I am really loving the teal color accenting the oranges and browns.

Thanks for stopping by!  If you would like more information about Chalk Couture and it's products, just drop me a note!


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Gather here with thankful hearts

Happy almost Fall, Everyone!  The rains have come and the air smells wonderful!  It's almost time to get out all of the fall decorations and pumpkinize the house! 

My project for today turned out wonderful!  I found this adorable pumpkin wood shape at Joann's on sale and knew it would be perfect for the "Gather here with grateful hearts" Chalk Couture transfer.  I will add links to the transfer and the chalk pastes used at the end of the post.

Now how cute is this!  I removed the tag and moved the tin leaf out of the way and applied a wash of chalk paint in a dark gray color.  After it was dry, I added a whitewash over top, allowing some of the gray to show through.  Once dried, I coated the pumpkin with a clear wax, which nicely blended the chalk paint together too!

I love how it turned out!  The pumpkin is quite large, about 15" wide x 15" tall and the transfer fit perfectly!

I used the floral elements to frame the phrase.

I think I will wrap the bottom and top with some fall colored rice lights to really let it shine on the table.

Thanks for stopping by and if you are interested in learning more about Chalk Couture and it's products, drop me a note!


Shopping List:

"Gather here with thankful hearts" Transfer

Pumpkin Pie Chalk Paste
Buttermilk Chalk Paste
Garden Herb Chalk Paste
Orange Peel Chalk Paste