Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chia Seed Mixed Berry Jam

In my quest to eat and cook healthier, I ordered some of the Epicure Chia Seed Jam Mix.  I have never made it before and figured it can't be that difficult to make.  And it wasn't!  I even used some frozen mixed berries I had stashed in the freezer.  The recipe was ridiculously easy and I ended up with one half pint of jam.  Perfect!  It will last in the fridge for about 2 weeks ~ if I don't eat it all first!


2 cups (500 ml) fresh or frozen berries
2 gbsp (30 ml) Chia Jam Mix


In a Rectangular Steamer, combine the berries with the mix. Microwave on high, uncovered, for 5 minutes (my microwave is 900 watts). Mash, let set up for about 15 minutes and then spoon into a sealable jar.  Store in the refridgerator for up to 2 weeks.  Yum!!

Epicure Chia Jam Mix

Rectangle Steamer

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