Friday, December 8, 2017

I {heart} Christmas!

I {heart} Christmas!  I really do!  I have always loved decorating and putting up the outside lights and displays.  It's a lot of work, but it isn't work when you take the time to do something that you love.  Jeff and I don't go all out at Christmas.  We don't exchange gifts or stuff stockings; instead we treat ourselves to a case of wine and enjoy some lovely gourmet food.  We'll go to Left Coast Cellars for lunch on the weekend and have a wonderful wood-fired pizza with a lovely bottle of Pinot Gris, and we'll stock up on a case of their assorted wines. This year, it's Beef Wellingtons and assorted appetizers from Kansas City Steaks.  I am drooling already!  I love to watch all of the Christmas shows the networks and the Hallmark channel have to offer.  The two Prep & Landing shows are my ultimate favorites to watch!  Christmas Day, I think I'll either make a nice ham and guyere cheese quiche or an overnight sausage/egg/bread casserole for breakfast (an a few days after too!)  Then, we'll have a nice glass of wine in the hot tub and decide if we are going to see a movie playing at the theater or just hang out in our jammies and rent some movies on the Roku.  Nice and relaxing either way!

Anyway, here are some pictures of the decorations I put up this year!

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