Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!  I hope everyone had a good one!  Jeff & I celebrated the "New York" New Year's at 9pm ~ just can't stay up late anymore!  #gettingold 👵 👴 We watched a really good movie that afternoon ~ The Mountain Between Us, with Kate Winslet and Idris Elba.  It's about two strangers that get stranded after their charter plane crashes in the snowy mountains.  They try to get down the mountain on their own and it's pretty tense.  Thumbs up for this movie!  Then we watched some hockey and caught a bit of the New Year's celebrations from New York.  And, of course, I had one too many glasses of wine, was in bed by 11pm and had a sleep-in with my cold cloth on my forehead.  Yep, it happens to the best of us!  🤣  I put some peppermint and lavender essential oils in the diffuser and that helped a bit.  Curse you devil juice! ✊✊✊  Anyway, I felt better after a bite to eat while watching the NHL Winter Classic hockey game on TV between the NY Rangers and the Buffalo Sabres.  Good game, the Rangers won, and I think the temperature there in New York was 12°F.  Brrrr!  I was cold just watching them play!  

I figured I had better get my act together this afternoon or else I wouldn't get anything done.  Brushed my teeth, combed my hair, got partially dressed and washed my face.  Then I thought, hey, let's start off the new year was with a face mask!  Exfoliated with my Perfectly Posh PearlFectionist Face Mask and then firmed it up with my caffeinated Hot and Gold Face Mask. My skin feels sooooo much better!  I have found that the older I get, the more help I need!  I am in love with the Never Grow Up Face Creme too.  Smells like pancakes!  The new Perfectly Posh catalog comes out on January 5th.  Can't wait to see it and all the new stuff!!

Anyway, gotta run and see what we've got for supper tonight and maybe do my dishes.  Maybe. 😁

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