Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easy Kitchen Valance

I am changing out the decorations in my kitchen to some of the items in the Pioneer Woman line at Walmart.  I am so in love with all of the colors and charming country patterns, that I just can't choose one style.  I already have two of her table cloths in different patterns and one of each style of coffee mug.  I bought some of the salad plates in different patterns as well to use as decorations in the cubbies flanking the kitchen window.  Super cute.  She had some kitchen curtains, but they weren't to my liking and I only need a valance.  So, back to Walmart I went and found this adorable patchwork tablecloth with an array of country colors and patterns.  Love it!  

It was very simple to make the valance.  I measured out how much I wanted to be and then cut with a few inches extra to fold over, iron and sew to make the pocket for the curtain rod. By the time all was said and done, I had the valance and a table runner made in under an hour.

Thanks for stopping by!

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