Thursday, January 18, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan

Hey, Everyone!  So, I am trying out something new to help with meal planning.  While it's just Jeff and I that I cook for, it's still kind of frustrating figuring out what to make for supper some days.  As much as I love to cook and look up recipes, we still end up eating the same old same old.  I came across this writable menu magnet for the fridge on Amazon and got some colored chalk markers to go with it.  My plan is to designate each day of the week with a certain meat or meal.  That way, I know what to pull out of the freezer, look up recipes and can plan my shopping list for what veggie or side dish to have with it.  What do you think?  Has anyone else tried this?  Obviously, nothing is written in stone and can be changed easily, but I think it will help to plan meals for the week.

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